Tuesday, August 25, 2020

The Question Of Pure Optimism In Their Eyes Were Watching God Essay Example For Students

The Question Of Pure Optimism In Their Eyes Were Watching God Essay In Their Eyes Were Watching God Janie experiences a few connections before he pulled in her frame of reference like an incredible fish net. Pulled it from around the abdomen of the world and hung it behind her (p. 184). As it were, not all the encounters that helped her to deal with her life were sure ones. These encounters can be placed into one of four connections: Nanny, Logan Killicks, Jody Starks, and Tea Cake. Presumably that Nanny adored Janie a lot, and normally she needed her granddaughter to have security past an elderly person who might unavoidably kick the bucket. She additionally needed a greater number of chances for Janie than shed had as she grew up a slave. As she discloses to Janie, nd Janie, possibly it wasnt much, yet Ah done de best Ah kinfolk by you. Ok raked and scratched and purchased dis lil piece uh land so you wouldnt need to remain in de white people yard and fold yo head befo other chillun at school (p. 19). Nannys expectations are just to make Janies life better than hers was, yet in an unexpected bend she is the person who puts the shackles on Janie in any case by wedding her off to the individual, not of Janies decision, however of her own. To give Janie a superior life than a slave, Nanny would have improved to not be as controlling. Shockingly, Janie appears to be just to recollect this and not Nannys love. Here Nanny had taken the greatest thing God at any point made, the skyline for regardless of how far an individual can go the skyline is still path past you-and squeezed it in to such a smidgen of a thing that she could tie it about her granddaughters neck sufficiently tight to gag her. She detested that elderly person who had turned her so for the sake of adoration. (p.85)Logan Killicks then assumes Nannys position in Janies life. In any event, for her controlling Nanny he is a poor substitute, best case scenario as he calls her ruined and speaks condescendingly to her. At a certain point he even scrutinizes her for being ground-breaking autonomous (p. 29) for somebody who had been brought into the world the manner in which she had (as though she had a decision in the issue!). On the off chance that Logan did truly think about Janie, at that point it couldn't have been a considerably more perplexing inclination than his needing his devices or his donkey around. In any case, people are significantly more confused than that and (ideally) are not happy with being viewed as a thing instead of an individual. Logan gets down to business to get another donkey and is expecting that Janie will naturally work with him, something she happens not to concur with. Logans issue is that he has a lot of assumptions regarding Janie and she neglects to satisfy them. Had Logan been smarter, he would not have developed himslef such a great amount of and rather refreshing who Janie was and not who she wasnt. This is the final irritation that will be tolerated in a stressed relationship. Jody Starks has aspiration, which is most likely not what least pulls in Janie to him. Regardless, she leaves Logan Killicks to begin another relationship with Jody. Jody is the principal individual to hit Janie, and when all is said in done he regards her as though she were his property. She is made to tie up her hair, for example, so nobody else around can see her with it down. He attempts to keep up her as a thing that nobody else may view or take joy from, subsequently he keeps power over her life. Desire may have pulled in Janie to Jodie, yet the thing he adores is power, and even at his generally touchy to her he is as yet a clever man whos genuine goals must be re-thought at. .ubd3e3dba40bb487675f662b3c0b94190 , .ubd3e3dba40bb487675f662b3c0b94190 .postImageUrl , .ubd3e3dba40bb487675f662b3c0b94190 .focused content territory { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .ubd3e3dba40bb487675f662b3c0b94190 , .ubd3e3dba40bb487675f662b3c0b94190:hover , .ubd3e3dba40bb487675f662b3c0b94190:visited , .ubd3e3dba40bb487675f662b3c0b94190:active { border:0!important; } .ubd3e3dba40bb487675f662b3c0b94190 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .ubd3e3dba40bb487675f662b3c0b94190 { show: square; progress: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-change: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; obscurity: 1; change: mistiness 250ms; webkit-change: haziness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .ubd3e3dba40bb487675f662b3c0b94190:active , .ubd3e3dba40bb487675f662b3c0b94190:hover { darkness: 1; change: murkiness 250ms; webkit-change: mistiness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .ubd3e3dba40bb487675f662b3c0b94190 .focused content region { width: 100%; position: relativ e; } .ubd3e3dba40bb487675f662b3c0b94190 .ctaText { outskirt base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: intense; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; text-beautification: underline; } .ubd3e3dba40bb487675f662b3c0b94190 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .ubd3e3dba40bb487675f662b3c0b94190 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; fringe: none; fringe range: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; text style weight: striking; line-stature: 26px; moz-outskirt sweep: 3px; text-adjust: focus; text-enhancement: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-tallness: 80px; foundation: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/modules/intelly-related-posts/resources/pictures/basic arrow.png)no-rehash; position: supreme; right: 0; top: 0; } .ubd3e3dba40bb487675f662b3c0b94190:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .ubd3e3dba40bb487675f66 2b3c0b94190 .focused content { show: table; tallness: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .ubd3e3dba40bb487675f662b3c0b94190-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .ubd3e3dba40bb487675f662b3c0b94190:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: A Good Man Is Hard To Find EssayOne confusing thing about Janies relationship with Jody is the reason she doesnt leave. She absolutely shows that she has the activity when she leaves Logan Killicks, and when Jody has hit her for unintentionally destroying their supper it appears glaringly evident this is definitely not a sound relationship. So for what reason does Janie remain? Presumably in light of the fact that there is nobody to hook on to promptly, as there was the point at which she was with Logan Killicks. This significantly qualifies the perusers good faith since it is demonstrating that Janie is truly not all that autonomous e ven with the obnoxious attacks she dispatches back at Jody, she despite everything remains with him until he kicks the bucket. Tea Cake is the main man to court Janie (what Logan Killicks did with Nanny is increasingly similar to campaigning his motivation). He is carefree, cheerful, active, and doesn't act like he claims or needs to possess her. These things make Tea Cake the perfect mate for Janie, and her relationship with him is the one in particular that she truly appreciates being a piece of reliably. What is troublesome about Tea Cake is that he does in certainty hit Janie. Clearly this was average, and even expected at that point. In todays society it would unquestionably not go on without serious consequences, nor would the mentality that accompanies it. Tea Cake hits Janie in light of the fact that he is feeble, and the demonstration has the direct inverse impact on the peruser from the impact it has on the characters in the novel. At the point when Mrs. Turners sibling came and she brought him over to be presented, Tea Cake had a talk. Before the week was over he had whipped Janie. Not on the grounds that her conduct legitimized his envy, however it calmed that horrendous dread inside him. Having the option to whip her consoled him of ownership. No merciless beating by any stretch of the imagination. He just slapped her around to give her who was chief. (p. 140)Maybe it isnt the beating that is such an issue, however the way that he should have been consoled of ownership when it is everything except accepted that tea Cake is unique in relation to the remainder of the characters who had attempted to have or potentially control Janie. At her preliminary, Janie is quiet either by Hurstons needing to tell it in omniscient third individual, or on the grounds that Hurston is, truth be told, attempting to qualify the perusers all out positive thinking about Janies life. Was Janie unfit to accomplish her voice as Robert Stepto battles (see Forward, xi)? Or then again did we the perusers not hear Janie guard herself since realizing how to utilize your voice incorporates knowing when not to as Alice Walker accepts? Or on the other hand is Mary Helen Washington the person who hits the nil on the head when she composes, I imagine that quietness reflects Hurstons uneasiness with the model of the male saint who advocates for himself through his incredible voice. Contingent upon the perusers translation of the book, it could be any of these things. However, the reality remains that it tends to be deciphered each of the three different ways (and conceivably more) and that by itself is sufficient for the peruser to address wheth er the novel is absolutely hopeful. English Essays

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Character and plot Essay Example for Free

Character and plot Essay Examine the manners by which Arthur Miller utilizes the characters of Alfieri to feature social contrasts and to build up the crowds comprehension of topic, character and plot. Arthur Millers A View from The Bridge utilizes a character called Alfieri to present characters, the plot and topic of the story. Alfieri is an Italian American significance he was conceived in Italy and moved to American to work. . He is a man of his 50s and in this story, in addition to the fact that he plays the job of a character, yet in addition a storyteller. He makes us mindful of the social contrasts among American and Italian culture through his suppositions. He fills in as a legal advisor; from this we can quickly tell he is taught and extremely astute. The movement law changed in 1921-1924. This law just permitted individuals from Britain, Ireland and Scandinavia to relocate to America. This came about to unlawful migration. A view from the Bridge is about the development of foreigners moving from Italy to America. They moved in light of the American Dreams which was individuals from different nations going to America to begin another life and win a decent living brimming with circumstances. The Italian relocation happened principally between 1820-1920. In excess of 4 million Italian individuals moved to America. Brooklyn Bridge and its encompassing territories are utilized as the setting of the play. The word Gullet is utilized by Alfieri to portray where they live. The word is a representation and it makes an air that isn't extremely charming to live in. Alfieris first discourse presents the foundation data of Italians. Italians would scarcely approach a legal advisor for help in light of the fact that in Italian culture legal counselors are bad news, they are viewed as associations with catastrophes. The legit and reliable Italians can be very vindictive. They tackle their own circumstances by assuming control over issues. Despite the fact that Italians are sinking into America their two societies stay different. Redundancy of the words Distrust, Law and Justice by Alfieri means them and the even proposes that the plot depends on these words. Alfieri comprehends both Italian and American culture and can deduce in his last discourse how he feels about Eddie and what he has done. From the beginning Alfieri implied that the closure of the play wasnt going to be a cheerful one. He says and stayed there as feeble as I, and watched it run its bleeding course. From that, we can detect fate and that is the reason this play is a Greek catastrophe. Eddie, Catherine, Marco utilize a great deal of slang type sentences where as Alfieri utilizes long, very much punctuated and complex sentences. This etymological strategy causes the crowd to comprehend what is occurred on the off chance that they don't follow what Catherine, Eddie, Beatrice, Marco and Rodolpho are stating. The utilization of short, straightforward sentences spoken by different characters makes the circumstance increasingly practical, makes the crowd wakeful in light of the fact that it is extremely quick and the characters talk all the more regularly. Arthur Miller likewise utilizes a great deal of outcry stamps so the sentences are all the more intriguing thus that the entertainers realize when to yell or act misrepresented, this is a generally excellent procedure. With the utilization of outcry mark the sentence gets vitality. There is more consideration than if there were long sentences. In the play there are four primary characters. Eddie (a hero), Catherine, Beatrice and Alfieri. Eddie, a hero, implying that he submits an offense without knowing it; he at that point learns his flaw and as a rule brings about death or languishing. He gains Alfieris compassion towards the finish of the play. Eddie cherishes Catherine as a niece as well as a little girl and a companion and Alfieri knows this. Eddie was over defensive and adored Catherine a lot of which end up being deadly. Alfieri realizes that Eddie wouldn't like to any one to remove her from him, yet then again, she doesn't have a place with him. He says And yet, it is smarter to agree to half, it must be! Marco murders Eddie in Act 2. We don't have a clue whether he planned to or in the event that it was for self-insurance yet as it were, this is vengeance. At the point when he was conversing with Alfieri, he says In my nation he would be dead by no. He would not live this long. Alfieri sees how he feels yet advises him not to slaughter. He is in America at the present time and such a deed can result to a lifelong incarceration. He says To vow not to murder isn't disreputable. Italians are not as socialized as Americans yet this is one of the social contrasts between the two assorted societies. Arthur Miller incorporates many stage headings leaving the chief creation up their very own greater amount bearings. Alfieri fills the role of a character and a storyteller making him A view from the scaffold since he is looking and managing the circumstance and furthermore recounting to the story as though it happened yesterday, this causes him to recount to the story and offer thoughts making the crowd mindful, have a superior comprehension of the play, the characters and the plot. The lesson of this story recommended by Alfieri is we ought to be happy with half if not the entire sum.

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

The Characteristics of High Functioning Anxiety

The Characteristics of High Functioning Anxiety GAD Diagnosis Print The Characteristics of High Functioning Anxiety By Arlin Cuncic Arlin Cuncic, MA, is the author of Therapy in Focus: What to Expect from CBT for Social Anxiety Disorder and 7 Weeks to Reduce Anxiety. Learn about our editorial policy Arlin Cuncic Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on September 26, 2019 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD on September 26, 2019 More in GAD Diagnosis Symptoms Treatment Coping In This Article Table of Contents Expand What It Looks Like Positive Characteristics Negative Characteristics Success, But With a Struggle Asking for Help Reducing Stigma (You Are Not Alone) What Determines Who Will Be High Functioning? Treatment Options Other Solutions View All Back To Top High functioning anxiety is not a recognized mental health diagnosis.?? Rather, its evolved as a catch-all term that refers to people who live with anxiety, but who identify themselves as functioning reasonably well in different aspects of their life. If you have high functioning anxiety, you probably notice that your anxiety propels you forward rather than leaves you frozen in fear. On the surface, you likely appear to be successful, together, and calm?? â€"the typical Type A personality who excels at work and in lifeâ€"though the way you actually feel on the inside may be very different. About 40 million adults deal with an anxiety disorder at any given time, according to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH). Of this approximately 18 percent of the population, some fall into this category of high functioningâ€"essentially silent anxiety hidden behind a smile. Verywell / Brianna Gilmartin What It Looks Like Someone with high functioning anxiety may be the picture of success.  You might arrive to work earlier than everyone else, impeccably dressed, with your hair neatly styled. Coworkers may know you as driven in your workâ€"youve never missed a deadline or fallen short in a given task.?? Not only that, youre always willing to help others when asked. Whats more, your social schedule also seems busy and full. What others might not know, and what you would never share, is that  beneath the surface of a seemingly perfect exterior, youre fighting a constant churn of anxiety. It may have been nervous energy, fear of failure, and fear of disappointing others that drove you to success. Though you desperately need a day off work to get yourself together, youre often too afraid to call in sick. Nobody would ever believe something was wrong, because you always portrayed yourself as being fine. Do you identify with the characteristics of a person with high functioning anxiety? Lets take a specific look at what you might experience or what others might observe of you in this case. Positive Characteristics The positive aspects of high functioning anxiety are generally the outcomes and successes that you and other people observe.?? On the surface, you may appear to be very successful in work and lifeâ€"and in fact, this may be objectively true if you evaluate yourself simply on what you achieve. Below are some positive characteristics you might see with high functioning anxiety: Outgoing (act happy, tell jokes, smile, laugh)Punctual (arrive  early for appointments)??Proactive (plan  ahead for all possibilities)Organized (make  lists, keep calendars)??High achievingDetail-orientedOrderly  and tidyActive??Helpful??Appear calm on the outsidePassionate (throw yourself 100 percent  into tasks)??Loyal in relationships Negative Characteristics In the case of high functioning anxiety, underneath that veil of success lies a struggle.?? Success does not come without a cost, and sometimes the anxiety that you feel finds its way out. Some of these characteristics might be perceived by others as cute or just part of your personality, but they may  in fact be driven by underlying anxiety. Some of these characteristics are internal, and are never even noticed by othersâ€"but they are over the top nonetheless. Since people dont know that these actions are caused by anxiety, they may view them as just part of your personality. Despite being high functioning, you might face the following struggles: A people pleaser (fear of driving people away)??Nervous chatterNervous habits (playing with your hair, cracking knuckles, biting your lip)Need to do repetitive things (counting stairs, rocking back and forth)Overthinking??Lost time (arriving to appointments too early)Need for reassurance (asking for directions multiple times, checking on others frequently)Procrastination?? followed by long periods of crunch-time workAvoiding eye contactRumination and a tendency to dwell on the negative (What if? thoughts, dwelling on past mistakes)Inability to say no and an overloaded schedule (fear of being a bad friend or letting people down)Insomnia (difficulty falling asleep, waking early and unable to fall back asleep)??Racing mind??Others think you are difficult to read  (stoic, unemotional, cold)A limited life (turning down invitations)Inability to enjoy the moment (expecting the worst)Intimidated by the futureTendency to compare yourself to others (falling short of expectations)Mental and phy sical fatigueOverly busy/full schedule (fear of saying no)??Loyal to a fault in relationshipsPotential for alcohol or substance abuse as a coping method?? Success, But With a Struggle The typical high functioning person with anxiety appears to be an overachiever.?? This perception is short-sighted though, because it fails to take into account the struggle involved in getting there. If you asked most people, they would probably not have a clue that you struggle daily with anxiety. However, you know that your life is limited by your anxiety in some important ways. Perhaps you achieve essential tasks but limit your life in other  ways, such as not deviating outside your comfort zone. Your actions are probably dictated by your anxiety, such that you choose to fill your life with activities as a way to calm your racing thoughts, rather than based on what you might enjoy or what could help you expand your horizons. Youve also become adept at presenting a false persona to the world because you never show your true feelings to anyone.?? Instead, you keep it all bottled up inside, and compartmentalize your feelings with a plan to deal with them later, but of course later never comes. Asking for Help There are many reasons you may not have sought help if you have high functioning anxiety: Perhaps you consider it a double-edged sword and dont want to lose the positive influence of your anxiety in terms of your achievements.Maybe you are worried that your work will suffer if you are not constantly driven to work hard out of fear.??You might think that you are not ill enough to ask for help, especially since you seem to be achieving, strictly from an objective standpoint.You might think that everyone struggles the way that you do, or that you are just bad at dealing with life stress.Most likely, youve never told anyone about your internal struggles?? , which just reinforces the feeling that you cant ask for help. If nobody ever sees your pain, why would they support you going to a doctor for anxiety? Part of the problem is that many of us have an image of what it means to have an anxiety diagnosis.?? We might envision a person who is housebound, cant work, or struggles to maintain relationships of any kind. We dont think of an internal struggle as being reason enough to seek help, no matter how much inner turmoil we experience. It is very much a life of denial. You might even convince yourself that there is nothing wrongâ€"youre just a workaholic, germaphobe, list-maker, and so on. What does all this mean? We really need to call high functioning anxiety just anxiety. Its different, sure, in that you are making your way through life relatively well. But the anxiety is the same, its just hidden. The 7 Best Online Anxiety Support Groups of 2020 Reducing Stigma (You Are Not Alone) With a rise in people identifying themselves as having high functioning anxiety, it may become easier to seek help. If you feel less isolated and alone in what you are experiencing, its more likely you will feel comfortable getting better. In addition, thinking of anxiety in both its positive and negative terms may help to reduce stigma.?? We all need some anxiety to get things done in life. Rather than view anxiety as a weakness, one thing that this movement has done is to highlight that people with anxiety can still live full and productive lives. Famous People With High Functioning Anxiety Its helpful sometimes to identify famous people who are coping with the same struggles that we face. In the case of high functioning anxiety, we can think of stars such as Barbra Streisand?? and Donny Osmond, and athletes like Zack Greinke and Ricky Williams.  Scott Stossel, editor of The Atlantic, wrote extensively  about his own experiences with anxiety and how he still managed to show up and achieve.  These individuals have found their way through their anxiety to succeed. What Determines Who Will Be High Functioning? Unfortunately, there really is very little research on this topic. We know that there is an optimal level of anxiety that helps fuel performance (according to the Yerkes-Dodson Law)?? â€"and its somewhere in the middle of being too low or too high. Therefore, it makes sense that if you suffer with mild or moderate anxiety as compared to severe anxiety, the odds of you functioning at a higher level would be better. IQ may also play a role, as a 2005 study found that financial managers who were high in anxiety made the best money managers if they also had a high IQ.?? Treatment Options If youve never been diagnosed as having anxiety and recognize yourself in the symptoms above, its best to make an appointment with your family doctor for an assessment or a referral. If you are diagnosed with an anxiety disorder  such as generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) or social anxiety disorder (SAD), many effective treatment options exist such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)?? , medication (such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors; SSRIs), and mindfulness training. Even if your anxiety symptoms dont meet the full criteria for anxiety disorder, treatment with psychotherapy or medication may still be very helpful. Other Solutions Perhaps you are not ready to seek help for your anxiety, or you are looking for alternative measures that you can implement on your own: Try spending 10 minutes a day working on your mental health.Before you do any cognitive work (changing your thoughts), make sure that your lifestyle is in orderâ€"limit caffeine, eat a healthy balanced diet, and get regular exercise.Sleep hygiene is important too, such as sticking to a regular bedtime?? , and not staying in bed if your mind is racing. Instead, get up and do something else until you feel tired.Once you feel your lifestyle is in order, its time to take a look at some of your thought patterns. Anxiety involves a lot of negative predictionsâ€"What if I dont make this deadline or I know I will make a fool of myself during this presentation.Start by recognizing the thoughts you have. When you notice a negative thought, try countering it with something more realistic or helpful, such as I always make my deadlines, and even if I miss this one it wont be the end of the world.Do you live with nervous habits such as biting your lip or chewing your nails??? Try using coping stra tegies such as practicing deep breathing or progressive muscle relaxation to get your tension under control. You could also try engaging in a competing responseâ€"something else you can do that is incompatible with the nervous habit, such as chewing gum so that you will not bite your lip. Are there any reasons why you hold on to your anxiety? Are you fearful that if youre no longer driven by your anxiety, that you will stop being an overachiever??? These are real concerns that you will need to address as you work towards reducing the impact of anxiety on your life. However, dont give in to the thought that you cant accomplish things without your anxiety. Years of being an expert list-maker wont be lost on a less-anxious you. It may take some adjustment, but you will find a new groove that balances your mental well-being with getting things done. A Word From Verywell High functioning anxiety is indeed a double-edged sword. While you may fear letting go of what might feel like part of your personality, know that you dont need to be secretly anxious to achieve and succeed. Hold on to your positive traits through the habits that youve developed, but let go of the tension and internal struggle. You might be pleasantly surprised to learn that not only does success not need to be the result of struggle, but that opening yourself up to your feelings and sharing them with others will help you to have a more authentic experience of the world around you.

Friday, May 22, 2020

The Importance Of Treatment For Bulimia Nervosa - 2263 Words

This paper demonstrates the significance of treatment for Bulimia Nervosa as well as which way of treatment is best for Bulimia. The purpose of this research is to analyze the best treatments for Bulimia Nervosa. More emphasis on the question, is Bulimia Nervosa best treated with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy or with antidepressants such as Adapin or Prozac? Furthermore, in the paper the results will indicate the efficacy of treatment of which method of treatment is best for Bulimia. Bulimia Nervosa is characterized by The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders as eating in a discrete period, of time (e.g., within any two hour period), and amount of food that is definitely larger than what most individuals would eat in a similar period of time under similar circumstances (DSM (5th ed., [DSM-5], American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2013). It can also be characterized as a sense of lack of control over eating during the episode (e.g., a feeling that one cannot stop eating or control what or how much one is eating) (DSM (5th ed., [DSM-5], American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2013). Bulimia was known to be very difficult to treat when it first was acknowledged (Hudson, Pope, Harrison Jonas, 1983). Fortunately today it can be treated by drug or cognitive therapy. Since that time, a vast variety of treatments have been looked into, and since then two approaches have been known to establish efficacy (Hudson, et al.). One is cognitive-behavioral therapy.Show MoreRelated The Importance of Psychotherapy and Medication in the Treatment of Bulimia Nervosa1828 Words   |  8 PagesThe Importance of Psychotherapy and Medication in the Treatment of Bulimia Nervosa This researched argument is on the disorder of bulimia nervosa. The reason behind my writing about the topic of bulimia is because my sister suffers from it and I want to know how to help her. I also would like to be able to share the information I obtained while doing my research. I want to argue the importance of having both psychotherapy and medication in the treatment for the people afflicted with this seriousRead MoreBulimia Nervosa As A Mental Disorder904 Words   |  4 PagesBulimia Nervosa was first characterized as a mental disorder in 1979 by Gerald F.M. Russell. Bulimia nervosa was initially a variant of anorexia nervosa, but now the disease has its own symptoms, and is distinguished as a psychiatric condition (Palmer, 2005). Bulimia Nervosa seems to occur in adolescents and women between the ages of 14-40. The percentage of men suffering from the disease are about 10% (Farrar, 2014). 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Without the knowledge of research, one is likely to think eating disorders are quite prevalent in society today. However, research proves that eating disorders, in general, are not as prevalent as one might think without any knowledge of the subject. Prevalence of an eating disorder refers to the number of cases of an eating disorderRead MoreEating Disorders : Anorexia Nervosa1477 Words   |  6 Pagesdisorders: anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge-eating disorder. They all involve serious disturbances in weight regulation and eating habits, accompanied by adverse effects on social, psychological and physical aspects of one’s life (‘Eating disorders: About more than food’, n.d.). This essay will specifically be focusing on bulimia nervosa, as research shows a higher level of stigma associated with it, compared to other eating disorders (Roehrig McLean, 2009). Bulimia nervosa is characterisedRead MoreEye Opener : The Mind And Body1478 Words   |  6 Pagescommon are Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, and Binge Eating. It is only human to wish to look differently or want to lose weight; however, many young people choose an unhealthy route to achieve these goals. The main cause of Anorexia Nervosa is unknown but there a lot of leading factors such as depression, anxiety, being bullied at school, etc. â€Å"Anorexia is a complex condition that arises from a combination of many social, emotional, and biological factors† (Anorexia Nervosa: Signs, Symptoms,Read MoreEye Opener : The Mind And Body1480 Words   |  6 Pagescommon are Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, and Binge Eating. It is only human to wish to look differently or want to lose weight; however, many young people choose an unhealthy route to achieve these goals. The main cause of Anorexia Nervosa is unknown but there a lot of leading factors such as depression, anxiety, being bullied at school, etc. â€Å"Anorexia is a complex condition that arises from a combination of many social, emotional, and biological factors† (Anorexia Nervosa: Signs, Symptoms,

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Biology Cell Division Cycle Essay - 1583 Words

Change is constant throughout all living things and that is particularly true when it comes to biology and in particular cell-division cycle. All organisms are constantly dividing and growing throughout their life time. The cell-division cycle in eukaryotes is a complex process that involves cyclins, cdks and multiple checkpoints that eventually lead to cell division. There are two different types of cell division which are Meiosis and Mitosis. Meiosis is the type of cell division which involves gametes or sex cells that are involved in sexual reproduction. This type cell division produces 4 different haploid (N) cells from an original diploid (2N) cell. The four haploid cells produced are unidentical to the original diploid cell due to†¦show more content†¦The cell-division cycle is completed when a cell passes all the checkpoints, has stopped dividing and is in the resting or G0 phase. The G1 phase is known as the growth phase of the cell cycle. During this phase, the bios ynthetic activities that are slowed down during the M phase of the previous cell division are resumed at a much higher rate. The G1 phase known as the growth phase of the cell because the supply of cell organelles and proteins increases. This phase contains a checkpoint to ensure that all materials are in place for DNA replication to go smoothly in the S phase of Interphase. As far as time is concerned, in normal human cells, the whole process of the cell cycle takes about 18 hours to complete and the G1 phase takes at least a third of that time meaning six hours which is a fourth of a normal day’s time. However, the G1 phase and other sub phases of the cell cycle can be inhibited by limiting growth factors such as the temperature they are grown in, their nutrient supply and how much space and they have to grow because after a certain amount of time, the cells stop proliferation and enter the death phase when they run out of these supplements. The G1 phase also involves the use of all 20 amino acids to form the various number of enzymes, mRNA and proteins that are required for DNA synthesis. The G1 phase is the most important phase of the cell-division cycle because this is the phase where it is determined is the cell is committed toShow MoreRelatedVarious Phases that Make Up the Cell Cycle Essay examples1314 Words   |  6 Pagesoccur during a cell cycle are interphase and mitosis. During most of a cell cycle, the cell spends a majority of its time in interphase resting in the cell cycle. Within interphase, the cell goes through 3 phases; 2 growth phases and DNA replication. During Interphase the cell goes through its first gap phase (G1). During G1 protein and RNA synthesis occurs so that the cell can grow and mature. (Cooper, Geoffrey M) G1 is very important because it controls the rate at which the cell grows and developsRead MoreMitosis And Meiosis Of Eukaryotic Organisms1101 Words   |  5 PagesThe cell is the basic unit of all life. All living things-- tigers, trees, elephants, and men-- are made up of cells. A cell is alive-- as alive as you are. It breathe s, takes in food, and gets rid of waste. It grows and reproduces, or creates one of its own kind. (Garrod 36) Most cells reproduce by dividing, so that there are two cells where there once was one. (Akkas 78) Every living thing is made up of one or more cells, and each of these cells was produced by an already existing cell. New cellsRead MoreBiology : The Scientific Study Of Life1617 Words   |  7 PagesBiology is defined as the scientific study of life. (Campbell Essential Biology) Whether or not something is â€Å"alive† is recognized by their ability to perform actions that living things do. There are seven main properties associated with life, we refer to these as; The Properties of Life. Order, regulation, growth and development, energy processing, response to the environment, reproduction, and evolution; these properties are the basis in which we use to determine whether or not something is â€Å"alive†Read MoreBiology688 Words   |  3 Pagesand Solar cells In order for humans to live, as well as all living organisms, photosynthesis used by plants to create solar energy is essential. The way cells are created and regenerated is fascinating and we are still making new discoveries each and every day. A solar cell converts light energy from the sun directly into electricity. Plant cells contains chloroplasts and absorbs light energy from the Sun. Plant growth and development are driven by continuous generation of new cells. (Inze, DRead MoreExamination Of Cell Division And Dna Replication956 Words   |  4 Pagesexamination of cell division and DNA replication, the processes by which cells carry out important functions. It is important to have an understanding of these processes in order to have an understanding of biology. These most small occurrences are the basis for life in all cells. Without division and DNA replication, organism could not grow and carry out complex tasks, such as metabolism. In addition, natural selection can only occur where genetic variation does. This makes division of cells and the recombinationRead MoreThe Cell Cycle, Genetic Variation, Mendelian Genetics, And Complex Genetic Inheritance917 Words   |  4 PagesThis essay will explore the cell cycle, cancer, cancer, mitosis and meioses, genetic variation, Mendelian genetics, and complex genetic inheritance. Each area will be broken down in further detail, and the result should demonstrate the knowledge learned on the subjects. The Cell Cycle The cell cycle is a series of stages that occurs when a new cells makes the division from the parent cell to two daughter cells. This is a stage in cellular reproduction. The cell cycle consists of three phases, interphaseRead MoreMeiosis and Mitosis Essay example752 Words   |  4 Pagesreproduction takes place. Mitosis creates an exact duplicate of cell so that old cells can be replaced, such as in skin, hair, and bones. Meiosis allows a cell to unite one half of its genetic makeup with a cell from another partner to create an entirely new organism. Mitosis Mitosis is the process by which two daughter cells are formed, each containing a complete set of chromosomes. Mitosis is the process by which an organism creates new cells, such as skin or bone. There are two parts to a cellsRead MoreThe Effect Of Calf Serum On Cell Proliferation1154 Words   |  5 PagesValerie Thigpen Biology 3040-002 TA: Maisha Rashid Abstract The purpose of this experiment was to determine how calf serum affected cell proliferation. The hypothesis is the following: if different concentrations of Fetal Bovine Serum were added to non-transformed and transformed cells, it would provide nutrients for the non-transformed cells but does not affect the transformed cells. As far as Western Blot analysis goes, the protein concentration for normal cells will increase withRead MoreThe Amazing Cell Essay776 Words   |  4 PagesCells are the essential component of life, comprised of billions of molecules. Molecules such as DNA, lipids, proteins, RNA, glycans, and small molecules that have defined molecular properties and biological activities. Every cell has the ability to respond to its environment and to communicate with other cells to create organs, tissues, and whole organisms. Cell and Molecular Biology is a field that bridges the fields of chemistry, structure and biology as it pursues to comprehend life and cellularRead More A Short Note On The Biology Of Retinoblastoma1454 Words   |  6 PagesThe Biology of Retinoblastoma Abstract Retinoblastoma is a cancer that develops in the retina of the eye, predominantly in young children. It occurs due to the mutation in the Rb gene, leading to the production of a dysfunctional Rb protein that cannot bind to a transcriptional factor in order to prevent further progression in the cell cycle. Consequently, uncontrolled proliferation takes place which results in a cancer developing. Two forms of the disease exist; familial and sporadic. In the familial

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Sales People Free Essays

Chapter 4 Salespeople Work In Two Markets 1. Consumer Markets 2. Business Markets: Industrial or organizational markets FACTORS INFLUENCING ORGANIZATIONAL DESIGN AND STRUCTURE * Examine customers in each market. We will write a custom essay sample on Sales People or any similar topic only for you Order Now * Determine the types of sales jobs needed to serve a market. * Note the job activities salespeople must do. * Design sales jobs around customers. * Set up the sales force organizational structure, which includes the various sales jobs and geographic territories. Application Of The Sales Job Classifications 1. Order Takers: wait for the costumer to order 2. Order Getters: obtain, retain, and increase business with customers. This salesperson must often create discontent with what the prospect already has and has to overcome the most powerful and obstinate resistance. THE LINE ORGANIZATION In the pure line organization, the chief executive – usually the president – does the decision making for the firm. The president has complete authority. Line authority means that people in management positions have formal authority to direct and control immediate subordinates. Staff authority is narrower and includes the right to advise, recommend, and counsel in the staff specialists’ areas of expertise. Geographic Specialization Many large corporations are organized by geographic territory. This type of organization is generally used by companies with more than strictly local distribution of their products Product Specialization Another common type of organization in large companies is based on the firm’s product. The entire company may be organized by product, with separate sales, advertising, marketing, and so on, along with staffs for each, or some functional units may remain centralized. Customer Specialization Companies with several separate and distinct markets accounting for major portions of their sales often organize based on these markets or customers. Combination of Design Elements Many companies organize on the basis of some combination of functional, geographic, product, or customer design. How to cite Sales People, Essay examples

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

spoon river anthology Essay Example For Students

spoon river anthology Essay Reality through poetry Contrary to the publics expectation of what poetry should be, Spoon River Anthology gave birth to the most unconventional book of poetry. The poems blunt representation of private yet ordinary lives and its lack of rhymes and verses caused a great controversy. Individually, the poems portrayed extremely realistic situations that most people would ignore but as a whole, Masters showed signs of compassion amidst bitter irony and blunt honesty. The ability to express ones emotions through writing to the point where the reader could fit themselves into the shoes of the speaker is an exceptional gift. We will write a custom essay on spoon river anthology specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The poem Abel MelvenY makes one think about life in general. Whats the point of getting so much if you are not going to enjoy what you get? In the poem, the speaker compares his wasted abilities to the farm equipment he had no use for. The speaker feels as if he did not live his life to the fullest; the sad part about it is, he saw himself as one of the machines he bought that Life had never used. The speaker realized he had not made much of his time when he noticed that all of them stood in the rain and sun, getting rusted, warped and battered. After it rains on a piece of metal and hat metal is exposed to the oxygen in the atmosphere, it begins to corrode and eventually fall apart. This time consuming process is the authors representation of the precious time he had wasted. At this point the speaker is remorseful but could not do anything about it because he had gotten close to his end There by my window, growing clearer about myself, as my pulse slowed down. The reality of life is that, we need not wait for Life to use us; we need to do something in order to make a life. The druggist in Trainor, the Druggist made the most out of his life by becoming a harmacist. As a pharmacist, he understood the fundamentals of chemistry and tried to apply it to real life situations. Trainor the Druggist attempted to explain the compatibility of a troubled couple through a subject well known to him, chemistry. He represented Benjamin Pantier and his wife as two of the most basic elements of the periodic table, hydrogen and oxygen. Through these chemicals, the author uses symbolism to explain that Benjamin Pantier and his wifes separation resulted in aggravating their sons wildness. The author described their sons wildness as a evastating fire because oxygen and hydrogen on their own are flammable gases. Conversely, their combination to form water (H20) could have quenched their sons flames. When couples split at some point in their relationship, it is frequently due to the fact that they realize they are no longer compatible with each other. The children, if any are the ones that go through the most trouble. What Trainor is essentially claiming is the harsh reality of what most children go through as a result of their parents separation. This is the reason why Trainor the druggist Lived unwedded. Perhaps if couples were truthful with each other, their union could be as soothing as water. The truth is not an easy thing to digest no matter how it is put. As humans, we tend to be economical with the truth and sometimes lie in order not to hurt the ones we love. wnat oTten nappens Trom tnese situations Is tnat, tne message Is not properly delivered and thus becomes ineffective. This I believe is the reason for Edgar Lee Masterss blunt honesty. WORKS CITED Masters, Edgar Lee. Trainor the druggist. Abel Melveny. The Norton Anthology of English Literature. Gen. ed. Stephen Greenblatt. 8th ed. Volume D. New York: Norton, 2012. print.

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Changing from Base 10 to Base 2 in Mathematics

Changing from Base 10 to Base 2 in Mathematics Suppose we have a number in base 10 and want to find out how to represent that number in, say, base 2. How do we do this? Well, there is a simple and easy method to follow. Let’s say I want to write 59 in base 2. My first step is to find the largest power of 2 that is less than 59.So let’s go through the powers of 2: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64. Okay, 64 is larger than 59 so we take one step back and get 32. 32 is the largest power of 2 that is still smaller than 59. How many â€Å"whole† (not partial or fractional) times can 32 go into 59? It can go in only once because 2 x 32 64 which is larger than 59. So, we write down a 1. 1 Now, we subtract 32 from 59: 59 – (1)(32) 27. And we move to the next lower power of 2. In this case, that would be 16. How many full times can 16 go into 27? Once. So we write down another 1 and repeat the process. 1 1 27 – (1)(16) 11. The next lowest power of 2 is 8.How many full times can 8 go into 11?Once. So we write down another 1. 111 11 11 – (1)(8) 3. The next lowest power of 2 is 4.How many full times can 4 go into 3?Zero.So, we write down a 0. 1110 3 – (0)(4) 3. The next lowest power of 2 is 2.How many full times can 2 go into 3?Once. So, we write down a 1. 11101 3 – (1)(2) 1. And finally, the next lowest power of 2 is 1. How many full times can 1 go into 1?Once. So, we write down a 1. 111011 1 – (1)(1) 0. And now we stop since our next lowest power of 2 is a fraction.This means we have fully written 59 in base 2. Exercise Now, try converting the following base 10 numbers into the required base 16 into base 416 into base 230 in base 449 in base 230 in base 344 in base 3133 in base 5100 in base 833 in base 219 in base 2 Solutions 1001000013211000110101122101314410000110011

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Comparison of Music Genres Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Comparison of Music Genres - Essay Example There are a number of disparities between jazz music and classical music. However, there are also some similarities that exist in the two music genres. One common aspect of jazz and classical music is the use of musical beat and regular rhythm. In jazz, music drums play a constant a rhythmic groove which is usually 4/4 and stresses on the backbeat of 2 and 4. In classical music, there is also a steady rhythm which highlights the musical motions. The rhythm emphasizes the downbeat of one rhythmic count (Livingston). Another similarity that exists between the two music genre is the instrumentation. Jazz and classical music at times use common instruments. For instance, classical used saxophone from the 19th century and has modernized to a symphony orchestra. The saxophone is an implement that is mostly used in jazz music by the most famous jazz artists such as Sidney Bechet. Another significant similarity is the improvisation. Improvisation is one of the ways in which classical and jazz music has remained discrete in their respective approaches and attitudes. Improvisation is an essential part of jazz, in cases of small additions and variations to a melody or the entire improvised free solo. Similarly, in classic, there is some use of improvisation or aleatoric elements (Livingston). The differences between jazz and classical music are seen in the choice of the instrument, how the music is played and the style of the music. As much improvisation is in jazz and classical music, it also helps in distinguishing the two types of music.  Ã‚  

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Comparison between united arab emirates vs other coutnries in the Research Proposal

Comparison between united arab emirates vs other coutnries in the middle east.political issues - Research Proposal Example It is as a result of diversification and political inclusivity that the UAE has grown at a faster pace compared to Saudi Arabia, which discovered oil close to two decades earlier. Founded on 2nd December 1971, the UAE is a federation of seven emirates that gained independence from the UK and were effectively granted the liberty to govern their security and foreign issues. Prior to discovery of oil, the UAE economy largely depended on fishery and pearl industries. Nonetheless, the UAE started depending heavily on oil for more than thirty years, thus suffering a significant setback following the global financial crisis of 2008 to 2009 (Aartun n.pg). In the recovery period, however, the UAE has shifted towards economic diversification and creation of opportunities for its nationals through education, improved trade, manufacturing, tourism, and logistics. Saudi Arabia is a supreme monarchy, which has established its niche in the global economy through its immense oil revenue. Oil is the dominant economy driver in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. This implies that the country’s socio-political welfare is hinged on oil prices’ evolution. One of the key differences between the UAE and Saudi Arabia is that the former is a federation, whereas the latter is a monarchy. This means that in the UAE, there is a president, while specific powers are allotted to the federal government and others to individual emirates (Henderson n.pg). In Saudi Arabia, however, power is reserved for the Royal family, which also gets the most important societal positions, which may occasionally heighten tension among the underprivileged members of society who may feel alienated (Gause n.pg). Further, while the UAE is characterized by a legislative structure combining Islamic and civil law, Saudi Arabia primarily adopts Islam law, which is not adequately inclusive. In regard to the economic

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Visiting The Gold Coast †The Surfer’s Paradise

Visiting The Gold Coast – The Surfer’s Paradise Gold Coast – The Surfer’s Paradise Hello A coastal city in the southeast Queensland state of Australia, Gold Coast is home to around 3 million people. Surfing is one of the main interests here. Both locals and tourists take a serious interest in surfing here. 35 kilometres of its golden sand beaches puts it as one of the most popular beach holiday destinations in Australia. Over two million tourists visit Gold Coast annually. Best Season to visit Gold Coast Gold Coast is open all around the year. You can expect clear-sky winters, crisp autumn mornings and golden and vibrant summers. When you have close to 300 days of sunshine a year, formal seasons become less apparent. Temperatures are much cooler in rural areas and the hinterland all through the year. The peak seasons are mainly summer (December to February) and autumn (March to May). Highlights (Special Things to Do in Gold Coast) Adrenaline-pumping rides, exotic animals and endless number of waterslides will help cool you off here. Gold Coast holidays have a full range of interactive entertainment to offer, be it big dazzling theme parks or small yet hilariously quirky museums. Let your hair loose at one the many theme parks dotting Gold Coast. Gold Coast is home to some of the largest and best theme parks in the world. You can Cuddle a koala, feed a flock of rainbow lorikeets or even swim with the dolphins – do much more at the wild parks and aquariums nearby. Revisit history, at some of the city’s oldest and most renowned attractions. Watch Whales. Experience the bio-diverse city and the largest subtropical rainforest in Australia, at the natural parks and attractions around the city. Sample the city’s stunning walking tracks that come with incredible lookouts. Learn how beer is brewed and taste one of the region’s finest wines at a local vineyard. Rejuvenate and unwind at one of Gold Coast’s award-winning spas or wellness retreats. Indulge in sports and recreational activities, from surfing to sky diving. Hotspots of Gold Coast You can check out these popular places to visit in Gold Coast. Surfers Paradise: Surfers Paradise is the signature high-rise settlement emerging out of the commercial centre of the Gold Coast. Surfers Paradise Beach: Three-kilometre long strip of golden sands between Surfers Paradise and the Pacific Ocean is a picture perfect location that mesmerizes millions every year. SkyPoint Climb: This is the highest external building walk in Australia. Feel a sense of achievement when you stand on a 270 meter high with the sun shimmering around you with a 360 degree view of golden sands, lush green tropical mountains and the Gold Coast skyline. Ripleys Believe It Or Not!: Get overwhelmed by hundreds of incredible exhibits, rare stories, mystery and magic, incredible deceptions, interactive games and astounding movies. Movie Stunt Experience: Be an action hero, choosing whether to break through windows, commando-style or fly around by being suspended on wires or jump from buildings or even be lit on fire. Slingshot Gold Coast: Holding 2 people at a time, with a video camera attached to capture the riders’ reactions, the Slingshot catapults you 80 meters up in the air. Jetboat Extreme: Spin and slide across the sea in a custom-built, twin-jet-powered, turbo-charged jet boat. Coolangatta Coolangatta Beach: Known for its slow pace and laid back lifestyle, it is the southernmost beach in Queensland. Snapper Rocks: Snapper Rocks is a small rocky ridge that is famous for the Superbank, the start of the large sand bank. Kirra Beach: The small rocky headland Kirra Point, is known as one of the worlds leading surf breaks. This surf break is known for producing high quality waves. Gold Coast Skydive: You get to jump off a plane at 12,000 feet above the ground; free-fall for roughly 40 seconds before opening the parachute to take in the mesmerising beauty of Gold Coast, and finally landing on to the warm sand of Kirra Beach. Southport The Rockpools: A water theme park for all age groups, the Rockpools that comes with a coastal theme has a creek bed and an array of pools that mimic coastal tides. Burleigh Heads Burleigh Heads Beach: Simply Burleigh to locals, it sits like a pause, between Surfers Paradise and Coolangatta to the north and south respectively. It’s a charming punctuation mark along the Gold Coast and absolutely a place to stop and take notice. Springbrook Natural Bridge: Natural Bridge at Springbrook National Park is the most uncommon geological feature created by water flowing through the roof of a basalt cave for millions of years. It is home to an enchanting colony of glow-worms, which can be seen after sunset. Mermaid Beach Putt Putt Golf: Play golf in one of the three unbelievably themed 18 Hole Courses with themes like the Jungle Trail, Waterways Cove or the Fun Run. Navigate through bizarre animals, conquer motorised obstacles and cruise along a water filled putting adventure. Currumbin Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary: More than 1,400 native Australian animals on display here in a natural bush land and rainforest landscape. The Sanctuary offers a world of discovery through enthralling wildlife shows, night safari and an interactive science activity zone. Shopping in Gold Coast Offering a shopping experience like no other, the Gold Coast has a range of options from department stores and discount traders to boutiques and specialty shops, markets and also duty free stores. For cheap souvenirs and t-shirts go to Cavill Mall and its surrounding areas. Dozens of stores in and around Surfers Paradise cater solely to the tourist crowd and you could end up picking up sheepskins, Australian opals, wool products and even aboriginal artefacts. Out of the numerous shopping centres in Surfers Paradise the popular ones are the Chevron Renaissance and the Centro Shopping Plaza. These places are good for a tourist shopping; however for day to day value items it is better to shop elsewhere. For a selection of high-end or mid-range boutiques and shops, head to the Orchard Avenue, Elkhorn Avenue and Cavill Avenue in Surfers Paradise. Care should be taken while purchasing in Surfers Paradise as counterfeits are very common. It’s an irony that the real Louis Vuitton boutique is right next to the fake goods shops on Elkhorn Avenue. Robina Town Centre has a modern shopping mall with eateries and shops that take care of everyone’s needs. A large selection of shops across all budgets can be found at Harbor Town Center in Biggeria Waters. The small farmers market across the road is a must visit for its good restaurants and delis. How to reach Gold Coast Air By Plane The Gold Coast Airport, better known as the Coolangatta Airport, is located in Coolangatta to the south of the city. It is a pretty unique airport as it lies across the Queensland and New South Wales borders; you would always land in one state and arrive in the other. Though it is a fairly small terminal, it receives around 3.5 million travellers annually. The airport is well connected with major cities in Australia, New Zealand, and Asia. Another thing to keep in mind is that it is NOT a 24 hour airport, so do not plan on staying overnight before an early morning flight. The Gold Coast Tourist Shuttle runs transit services from the Gold Coast Airport to hotels and theme parks all over Gold Coast. Customer service kiosks are in the located in the international and domestic terminals. An alternative, especially if using a rented car, is to fly into Brisbane Airport. You have better connectivity from there. Land By Train CityTrain is an electric train service between Brisbane and Nerang, Robina, Coomera and Helensvale. It’s roughly a 70 minutes journey from Brisbane Central to Robina and Nerang. As the train runs along the coast you can check which station on route is closest to your destination. Countrylink in New South Wales has trains running from Sydney with bus services at the Casino to Surfers Paradise. How to get around Gold Coast Car Gold Coast is easily accessible by car, and large parking lots at most locations make parking a less harrowing experience. Most car rental services are available here. Bus Surfside Buslines, are the main form of public transport here in Gold Coast and they have designated stops on most areas. Buses are available 24 hours a day; the frequency is higher during the day. Airport Transfers (shuttles) operate point to point’ between Coolangatta Airport and most places along the coast and are a popular substitute to taxis. Taxi – Taxis are available but expect to wait longer for it on busy nights. Bike The Gold Coast Ocean way is a 36km pathway meant for pedestrians and cyclists connecting the Gold Coast Seaway to Point Danger, covering most of the coastline on route. Top areas in Gold Coast Surfers Paradise Surfers Paradise, located on long stretches of golden beaches is where surfers do more than just riding the waves. High rise apartments line the shore, nightclubs, pubs are abundant here. The late night shopping will keep you busy all through. Most Gold Coast hotels, high end and budget, are located around here. Broadbeach â€Å"Broadie† as called by the locals, it is a quieter version of Surfers Paradise. It is known for its gorgeous beaches dotted by lazy parks and bustling weekend markets. It is the second busiest tourist suburb and is home to casinos, shopping centres and many eateries. Mount Tamborine Located in the peaceful and scenic hinterland and at just an hour from Gold Coast, it is a tropical rainforest, populated with unique, vibrant and colourful, exotic birds. Many interesting types of flora and fauna can also be found here. It is also known for its serene calm atmosphere. Main Beach High-rises and resorts dot this upmarket suburb. Located at the northern end of the Gold Coast, Main Beach is called so as it was the main surf beach at Southport. Its open shore break makes it very popular with Surfers. Burleigh Heads Home to tall aromatic pine trees, this parkland has plenty of places where you can picnic or have a barbecue. You would also find arts and crafts markets here, where you can haggle your way to a good deal. You can find good mid-range accommodation here. Coolangatta – This is one of the twin cities located on the border between New South Wales and Queensland. The surf here is outstanding, particularly off the northern corner of Coolangatta Beach. Snapper Rocks and Duranbah are world-class surf breaks that are located here. You also have a few mid-range accommodation options here. Mermaid Beach This is simply a serene laid-back spot. There’s an extensive mixture of dining options here ranging from modern Australian to a lot of Pan Asian culinary options. While there are plenty of cheap accommodation options here, from apartments to caravan parks, do not forget to check out the flashy and flamboyant ‘millionaire’s row. Miami – A small beach town located south of Surfers Paradise, Miami has a beautiful stretch of golden sands that is perfect for families. Thank You!

Friday, January 17, 2020

Forms, Symptoms And Factors Of Breast Cancer

Breast malignant neoplastic disease is a disease in which the tissues of the chest signifier malignant malignant neoplastic disease cells. Normally the tubing which carry the milk to the mammilla ( canals ) and secretory organ ( lobules ) . It is common in both work forces and adult females ; male chest malignant neoplastic disease is rare although, it is considered a heterogenous disease differing by single, age group, and even the sorts of cells within the tumor themselves.Types of Breast Cancers:Ductal Carcinoma: it is the non-invasive chest malignant neoplastic disease, which starts in the cell line of the chest ‘s canals, beneath the mammilla and areola. The canals supply milk to the mammilla. Between 85 % and 90 % of all chest malignant neoplastic diseases are ductal. Lobular Carcinoma: it begins in the lobes, or secretory organs which produce milk in the chest. These are located inside the chest, under the canals. About 8 % of chest malignant neoplastic diseases are lobular Inflammatory Breast Cancer: It is the least common, rapid signifier of chest malignant neoplastic disease, which can be progress about 1 % to 3 % to name. This chest will appears conceited and inflamed it causes by redness by taking the signifier of sheets or nests. It can get down in the soft tissues of the chest under the tegument, or it can look in the tegument Paget ‘s disease of the nipple/areola: this malignant neoplastic disease appears as skin roseola on the mammilla or unsmooth tegument. It can be resembles as itchy. The marks of rubing and may be under the surface of the tegument. This will bespeak a little Ductal carcinoma in suit ( DCIS )Phases of Breast Cancer:Phase 0: is sometimes used to depict unnatural cells that are non invasive malignant neoplastic disease. For illustration, Stage 0 is used for Ductal carcinoma in situ ( DCIS ) . DCIS is diagnosed when unnatural cells are in the liner of a chest canal, but the unnatural cells have non invaded nearby breast tissue or spread outside the canal. Although many physicians do n't see DCIS to be malignant neoplastic disease, DCIS sometimes becomes invasive chest malignant neoplastic disease if non treated. Phase I: is an early phase of invasive chest malignant neoplastic disease. Cancer cells have invaded chest tissue beyond where the malignant neoplastic disease started, but the cells have non spread beyond the chest. The tumour is no more than 2 centimeters ( three-fourthss of an inch ) across. Phase Two: is one of the followers: The tumour is no more than 2 centimeters across. The malignant neoplastic disease has spread to the lymph nodes under the arm. The tumour is between 2 and 5 centimeters The malignant neoplastic disease has non spread to the lymph nodes under the arm. The tumour is larger than 5 centimeters.The malignant neoplastic disease has non spread to the lymph nodes under the arm. Phase Three: is locally advanced malignant neoplastic disease. It is divided into Phase III A: Breast Cancer-the tumour is larger than two centimeters but smaller than five centimeters ( about one to two inches ) and has spread to up to nine subsidiary underhand lymph nodes. Phase III B: Breast Cancer- the malignant neoplastic disease has spread to tissues near the chest including the tegument, chest wall, ribs, musculuss, or lymph nodes in the chest wall or above the clavicle. Phase Four: is distant metastatic malignant neoplastic disease. The malignant neoplastic disease has spread to other parts of the organic structure, such as the castanetss or liver.Incidence:How common is breast malignant neoplastic disease:As per the study in 2007, 45,700 adult females were victim of the chest malignant neoplastic disease. While in the same twelvemonth the work forces count goes to 277 were diagnosed. Incidence rate of chest malignant neoplastic disease in females around by 50 % over the last 20 five. Out of 10 eight of adult females 50 old ages of age were enduring from chest malignant neoplastic disease. Breast malignant neoplastic disease rates have increased up to 5 % in last 10 old ages. National Health Service ( NHS ) testing programmes were conducted in that more than 16,000 instances found in UK in 2007/2008. Among that NHS testing programme claim to salvage 1,000 lives each twelvemonth. Throughout the universe around 1.38 million adult females were diagnosed with the chest malignant neoplastic disease. Incidence rate of chest malignant neoplastic disease were extremely considerable in western in Europe, as per low rates considerable in Africa and Asia Europeans brotherhood shows breast malignant neoplastic disease were diagnosed around 332,000 in the twelvemonth of 2008. 12,000 adult females and 70 work forces were died from chest malignant neoplastic disease in 2008 in the UK. More than half of 70 old ages of age are died from chest malignant neoplastic disease. Worldwide 458,000 adult females are died from chest malignant neoplastic disease in 2008. It is the 2nd most common cause of decease of adult females after lung malignant neoplastic disease. In Europe brotherhood around 89,000 died from chest malignant neoplastic disease in 2008.Signs and Symptoms:Early chest malignant neoplastic disease normally does n't do symptoms but as the tumor grows, it can alter how the chest looks or feels. The common alterations include: †¢ A ball or thickener in or near the chest or in the underhand country †¢ A alteration in the size or form of the chest †¢ Dimpling or rumpling in the tegument of the chest †¢ A mammilla turned inward into the chest †¢ Discharge ( fluid ) from the mammilla, particularly if it ‘s bloody Most symptoms of chest upset do non turn out to stand for implicit in chest malignant neoplastic disease. Benign chest diseases such as mastitis and fibro adenoma of the chest are more common causes of chest upset symptoms. The visual aspect of a new symptom should be taken earnestly by both patients and their physicians, because of the possibility of an implicit in chest malignant neoplastic disease at about any age.Hazard Factors:Many of the most of import hazard factors for chest malignant neoplastic disease are beyond your control, such as age, household history, and medical history. However, there are some hazard factors you can command, such as weight, physical activity, and intoxicant ingestion. Age: The opportunity of acquiring chest malignant neoplastic disease increases as you get older. Most adult females are 60+ old ages old when they are diagnosed. Personal wellness history: Having chest malignant neoplastic disease in one chest increases your hazard of acquiring malignant neoplastic disease in your other chest. Besides, holding certain types of unnatural chest cells ( untypical hyperplasia, lobular carcinoma in situ [ LCIS ] , or Ductal carcinoma in situ [ DCIS ] ) increases the hazard of invasive chest malignant neoplastic disease. These conditions are found with a chest biopsy. Family wellness history: Your hazard of chest malignant neoplastic disease is higher if your female parent, male parent, sister, or girl had breast malignant neoplastic disease. The hazard is even higher if your household member had breast malignant neoplastic disease before age 50. Having other relations ( in either your female parent ‘s or male parent ‘s household ) with chest malignant neoplastic disease or ovarian malignant neoplastic disease may besides increase your hazard.Hazard factors you can command:Weight: Being overweight is associated with increased hazard of chest malignant neoplastic disease, particularly for adult females after climacteric. Fat tissue is the organic structure ‘s chief beginning of estrogens after climacteric, when the ovaries stop bring forthing the endocrine. Having more fat tissue means holding higher estrogens degrees, which can increase chest malignant neoplastic disease hazard. Exercise: Evidence is turning that exercising can cut down chest malignant neoplastic disease hazard. The American Cancer Society recommends prosecuting in 45-60 proceedingss of physical exercising 5 or more yearss a hebdomad. Alcohol ingestion: Surveies have shown that chest malignant neoplastic disease hazard additions with the sum of intoxicant a adult female drinks. Alcohol can restrict your liver ‘s ability to command blood degrees of the endocrine estrogens, which in bend can increase hazard. Smoke: Smoke is associated with a little addition in chest malignant neoplastic disease hazard.Treatment:Womans enduring with chest malignant neoplastic disease have many types of intervention options. The intervention options are best for one adult female may non be best for another. The intervention options are: Surgery Radiation therapy Hormone therapy Chemotherapy Targeted therapy Among this Surgery and radiation therapy are types of local therapy. They remove or destroy malignant neoplastic disease in the chest. Hormone therapy, chemotherapy, and targeted therapy are types of systemic therapy. The drug enters in to bloodstream and destruct or controls malignant neoplastic disease throughout the organic structure. The intervention that ‘s right for you depends chiefly on the phase of the malignant neoplastic disease, the consequences of the endocrine receptor trials, the consequence of the HER2/neu trial, and your general wellness.SurgeryPresents Surgery is the most common intervention for chest malignant neoplastic disease. It consist of 2 types Breast-sparing surgery: This type of surgery is to take the malignant neoplastic disease but non the chest. It besides called breast-conserving surgery. It can be a lumpectomy or a segmental mastectomy. Sometimes an excisional biopsy is the lone surgery a adult female needs because the sawbones removed the whole ball. Mastectomy: This type of surgery is to take the full chest ( or ) as much of the chest tissue as possible. In some instances, a skin-sparing mastectomy may be an option. Approach the sawbones removes every bit small tegument as possible. The sawbones normally removes one or more lymph nodes from under the arm to look into for malignant neoplastic disease cells. If malignant neoplastic disease cells are found in the lymph nodes, other malignant neoplastic disease interventions will be needed. ( For more about information about lymph node biopsy, you may take to hold breast Reconstruction. This is fictile surgery to reconstruct the form of the chest. It may be done at the same clip as the malignant neoplastic disease surgery or subsequently. In breast-sparing surgery, the sawbones removes the malignant neoplastic disease in the chest and some normal tissue around it.Radiation TherapyIt besides called as radiation therapy it can be used to kill high-energy beams of malignant neoplastic disease cells. It affects cells merely in the portion of the organic structure that is treated. These are 2 types External radiation therapy: in this therapy radiation comes from a big machine outside the organic structure. A intervention is normally 5 yearss a hebdomad for 4 to 6 hebdomads. External radiation is the most common type used for chest malignant neoplastic disease. Internal radiation therapy: ( implant radiation therapy or brachytherapy ) . The physician places one or more thin tubings inside the chest through a bantam scratch. A radioactive substance is loaded into the tubing. The intervention session may last for a few proceedingss, and the substance is removed. When it ‘s removed, no radiation remains in your organic structure. Side effects chiefly depend on the dosage and type of radiation. It ‘s common for the tegument in the treated country to go ruddy, dry, stamp, and itchy. Your chest may experience heavy and tight. Internal radiation therapy may do your chest expression red or bruised Hormone Therapy: It may besides name anti-hormone intervention. If laboratory trials show that the tumour in your chest has hormone receptors, so hormone therapy may be an option. Hormone therapy supports malignant neoplastic disease cells from acquiring or utilizing the natural endocrines ( estrogen and Lipo-Lutin ) they need to turn. Chemotherapy: In Chemotherapy we have to utilizations drugs to kill malignant neoplastic disease cells. The drugs that are treated in chest malignant neoplastic disease are normally given through a vena ( endovenous ) . The side effects depend chiefly on which drugs are given and how much. Chemotherapy kills aggressive malignant neoplastic disease cells, but the drugs can besides harm normal cells that divide quickly. They are blood cells, cell in hair roots, cells in the digestive path. Targeted Therapy: In Some adult females with breast malignant neoplastic disease may have drugs called targeted therapy. These drugs can barricade the growing of chest malignant neoplastic disease cells. For illustration, targeted therapy may barricade the action of an unnatural protein which stimulates the growing of chest malignant neoplastic disease cells. Class Action ExamplesSERMs ( selective estrogen-receptor modulators )Bind to estrogen receptors in chest malignant neoplastic disease cells, hungering malignant neoplastic disease cells Estrogen antagonist Evista ( raloxifene ) Fareston ( toremifene )Aromatase inhibitorsIt stops the production of estrogen in adrenal secretory organ Armasin ( exemestane ) Femera ( cletrozole ) Arimidex ( ahastrozole )Biologic response qualifierIt binds the protein on chest malignant neoplastic disease cells and prevents their growing Herceptin ( megestrol ) Other hormonal therapies Breast malignant neoplastic disease dependant on estrogen for endurance treated on other hormonal therapy zoladex ( goserelin ethanoate ) Faslodex ( fulvestrant )

Thursday, January 9, 2020

After Being Acquired By Sanofi In 2008, Very Little Had

After being acquired by Sanofi in 2008, very little had changed at the Genzyme Allston Landing Facility until recently. The honeymoon period is over and over the next year Sanofi will be replacing all of the existing Genzyme systems with Sanofi corporate systems. These changes will impact all departments across the site and adapting the new systems will be a challenge. Thankfully, the systems are being rolled out incrementally over the year rather than all at once. As a result of this approach, the continued use of existing systems for new project work is being discouraged beyond a specific date. The site change management system, currently Trackwise, will be replaced by Sanofi’s own system, Phenix. As an engineer, I am required to†¦show more content†¦Through various discussions with my manager and other individuals, I have discovered that this deadline was self-imposed by the QA CC group and not mandated by the company. For myself, and my team to be successf ul in achieving our project goals for the year, I feel I need to devise a strategy to allow our CCRs to be processed until at least the end of March. I believe this is possible through implementation of a strategy that uses the Cohen-Bradford model of influence without authority. In the scope of this strategy, our group is at an advantage because we have not only developed good working relationships with the QA CC group, but also have built a reputation for meeting the dates we set within the CCR process. This is the exception onsite as other groups often miss or extend the CCR process dates they set. Due to the relationship we have built with the QA CC group, our group see them as allies as they do us, which makes the first step of the Cohen-Bradford model easy to achieve. The next step in the model requires that my group fully understand our goals and priorities. Again, with this step I believe we have correctly prepared ourselves for success. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Proprietary Technologies Vs. Infrastructural Technology

Proprietary technologies vs. Infrastructural technology Proprietary technologies can be owned, actively and effectively, at times by a single company. For instance, a pharmaceutical holding a patent on a particular compound that is the basis for a drug is an example of proprietary technologies. Infrastructural technology on the other hand provides more value when shared rather than used by a single organization. A company having all the rights to building railroads is an example of Infrastructural technology. This company can operate efficiently, but the effect to the economy is greater if the technology is shared and companies build railroads that can connect more buyers and sellers. Holding proprietary technologies, according to†¦show more content†¦In fact, IT is nothing like transport or electricity, and according to Ben Bernanke, we are in the early days of the IT revolution as computing speed and memory continue to increase – we’ve only scratch the surface3. Carr’s reasons why IT is a Commodity IT, according to Carr, has become affordable to all and therefore, it has been a commodity. He further argues that the use commodities do not lead to a completive advantage, and believes that IT has become commoditized for the following reasons: †¢ IT is highly replicable †¢ The arrival of the internet has accelerated the its commoditization †¢ IT is subject to rapid price deflation I agree with Carr’s assessment on the commoditization of IT to some degree. For instance, it makes no sense for an organization to spend money in customizing a product when a similar product can be bought at a relatively good price. Organizations no longer write their application, they simple buy one that is available in the market (e,g. Microsoft Office). I do not agree with Carr when he states that organizations such as IBM and Microsoft recognize this trend and have position themselves as IT utilities companies as more companies replace customized application with generic ones. That the internet has increased the commoditization of IT by providing a perfect delivery channel for generic applications and more and more organization will obtain their IT requirement by purchasing fee-based web servicesShow MoreRelatedOn Demand Computing Cloud Computing Essay4265 Words   |  18 PagesOn Demand Computing-Cloud Computing: A Survey Reena Saini1, a) and Nachiket Sainis2, b) 1 Assistant Professor, Department of Information Technology B. K. Birla Institute of Engineering Technology, Pilani 333031, India 2 Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, B. K. Birla Institute of Engineering Technology, Pilani 333031, India a)reesaini@gmail.com b)nachi.312@gmail.com Abstract. Cloud computing is the upcoming generation of computation. 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